oshima ceremony/protest : the bride hasnt arrived but the whole ceremony is completed. nirakaar protest. social science: i would like to problematize the problem - talk about talk about talk
object vs thing : fetishising the object veils the labour behind it
touch: how does commodification negate touch?
60s phenomenology.
how does it inform ur work conceptually, apart from being an act of transgression? conditional
john dewey: air guitar in art as experience
philosophy converts sound into meaning, poetry converts meaning into sound
why wary of theory, theory is not western
where i start is incidental, where i end is accidental (p?)
can you experience space without reason? why the instigator?
deep ecology
francis alys: subversive tales ( city, gun, life)
walks through Jerusalem, along the 1948 partition lines, through armed checkpoints, holding a leaking can of paint (The Green Line [Sometimes doing something poetic can become political and sometimes doing something political can become poetic])
douchon played chess
john cage lalala
the representation debate : do we stop representing then?
abstracting the body , the eyes and the subject have to negotiate, adjust
removal of the body, body as vector, debranding : removal of familiarity
superfluous branding surrounds
evil architect: evil planners controlling minions. counter porosities in the city
the myth of the truth : photography: is it a document or art? oh look this is you! how do i know? - photography. narcissus he cudnt fall in love with anything except his own reflection
cities like dubai too are longing for a body
'i am a museum exhibit' ( what? )
the discourse over tomato
a spurious defense mechanism of sorts : the city?
potentially sanitised space
the x ray machine at the metro like an opera, this film going in, the guys enjoying it
the escalator pretending to be the stair: big choice
local/global - a stab in the dark
anesthised city, to make room for the global taking away the local, 1947 zionism- the delhi that was, benevolent rulers, pre-libralisation dreams, longing
exploring materiality
technology: embodiment to the extent it becomes transparent/superfluous
the idea of silent reading, burning a copy of the satanic verse
grapefruit, john lenon: burn the book after you read it
no man's an island, youre working with the lineage or against it but theres no personal, the original genius vs the . im not trying to create the wheel, but there must be a creative impetus
fetishing the object
subverting the icon in these projects
project called 'anxious', the text: offending the audience. contexts, deactivated.
poetic interest
when does porn become art? frivolous sex is as much an art as meaningful sex. the suppression of feeling is as much a skill as expression.
art that has made seismic shifts within the political sphere
poem called tape worm foundry
ideas after ideas, Darren worshler henry
pamuk : burns a library.
richually consigned to the waters
manusmriti, raked up, riled up
administrative abt it
scramble the letters of a book
franco moretti
language, the use of TIME as a manmade thing, but time made the big bang, entropy is part of time : pratik;s words
deformities museum
personification of space: space an active agent
theatricality, concerted, fiction/fact
bunkers and barbed wire
i'm not sure i understand any of what i'm hearing, sometimes.