Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Beauty and the Beast

The Beast hides
beauty in paint
to be saved
of the raven's touch.
Beauty, raw,
a soft core,
a tender heart,
a warm hug,
an open car,
touched at it's heart
and had
that night,
by the road.

Friday, April 18, 2014


It is not my clothes nor my curves
that make me strong;
It is how you see me,
and that you do.

My clothes and curves
mean nothing when you are not by my side.

Magic lies not in a trick,
but in eyes that are still eager.

It is not beauty
that makes you strong,

It's the beast that
is dirtier, that
wins this war.

The Price

Protect the self,
to shine
is to tempt,
the more you shine the
more you tempt the dirty.
To be beautiful
is to tease vultures, bitch.
A room full of wolves,
streets full of gazes.
Protect the self,
from the old
the corrupt
the single
the friend
the stalker
the starved
the city;
or be them,
so there's nothing to protect,
be dirty
so the dirty stay away.
Know who deserve your beauty,
and who, your filth.