Wednesday, March 13, 2019

compassion and action

When you are
more than them,
do you feel compassion
for those who misuse your bigness
because they are small
and keep hurting,
or seek justice over
so as not to be an agent
of wrong?


I respect your body
I respect your dignity
the more I love
the more I respect
I respect distance
and wait
I respect foundation
and trust
I respect valuing only what you earn
why then do you want to
grope me
and kiss me without knowing me
and rob me of dignity
and grace
and rob a bond that could be,
of respect
robbing is not desire,
it is abuse
Waiting is not rejection,
it is respect.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Idols make
Idols can't be escaped,
Idols shape and idols break
you never know what skeletons
lie in the closet of that
ever elusive idol -
be the idol.


You can adapt to
the lesser
by losing your intricacy,
or celebrate it,'
and make those lesser more too,
You can desensitize yourself,
or sensitize the world,
You can adapt
be loved by all who don't know you
or reveal and be loved
by only those who understand.
Celebrate you,
be happy and with few
than unhappy
and everyone's.

Monday, March 11, 2019


The brazen and charming
misuse tack
to play
and lose themselves to entitlement
until malice is caught
the managers help
and lose souls to rewards of being agents of malice
the kind and soft
to get cheated
by hearts of malice
but will get their love
from those who can,
and run the longer run.
Don't lose soul
or kindness,
or whatever is you
to those who misuse it
for they
will know what they lose.
Love only
who deserve your love,
or it is better lost
and can only be lost,
love not faces
but what it holds and speaks for.


Love and kindness
veiled in silence
is unacknowledged
even if truth is retained
in silence,
but abuse
even if truth is restrained by words
and lost in translation,
is my measure of acknowledgment.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


You are safe
only alone,
every man is an enemy,
your own blood is an enemy,
and you can barely tame one
to respect the soul.


Smother with love
until you learn to fight
need not lose yourself
to such love
if winning is the idea,
if smothering is what matters.


I do not see you as a body
I do not see me as a body
I am my mother's child
a baby nurtured to dream
Don't mar the soul
value purity,
value wait
and longing
and that
dignity is love
and that it is no love if you mar the body,
Clear away the fog
of hollow times
and touch your roots.


I am
as bad as nice
as ugly as pretty
as cruel as innocent
as unforgiving as loving
as detailed as abstract
as visceral as technical
as questioning as knowing
as curious as giving
as much a believer as a skeptic
as much a destroyer as a healer
as nothing as everything
as the subject and situation demands
I practice complete justice,
I give what I get
and what is deserved.
I evade every definition -
as I am more than that
as you are more than that.

Cause and effect

Draw the lesser

to you and

be torn

for we abuse

what threatens

cleverer than the better,

and the better, silly

the low is too big to be equal

when the high is too small to be big,

Only equals love,


for all the lovable in you

draw only he you want, yourself,

to you;


Friday, March 1, 2019


If everything is subjective,
chance and
depending on the many external factors that make it,
whether how you see something
or what you feel for something,
and everything changes by the moment,
how to do you judge anything
and how do you judge yourself?