Friday, December 9, 2016


You keep hurting
coming in from every corner and after every time I heal
only to hurt
not to love
or ask if I want to be hurt
and never to be a companion
and I keep healing
you hurt
I heal
and the next from the next corner
will hurt too
before I heal from your hurt
until I heal again
you will not stop hurting
raping, touching or kicking
and I will not stop healing quietly
There is only one me who heals
and many who hurt
so I must be to blame,
You will not stop hurting
Asking me to give you something mine alone
again and again
without my choosing you
treating me like a machine
or a toy
or a public toilet
and I cannot even tell you I'm healing
because I wouldn't be an object of your appreciation anymore
and I can never tell you you hurt me
because I will be scaring you
because it's your right to hurt to seek your pleasure if I'm close
and a woman's duty to bare pain and provide pleasure
again and again without scaring a fly
and without vanity
so I will continue to provide to you
while hurting
by being a public bus handle
you all hold
only to not be abused by you
if I say no.
If I hide
I will heal but not live
but if you see me
you will hurt me 
and you will never learn to care or love
or respect my privacy
or that I am a woman who chooses who I want close
and not choosing you -
does not mean I am not alive or living.

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