Sunday, February 24, 2019


To crush is the way of the world
crush and conquer
and judge and malign
and empower
and we thought
equality and giving and protecting
not crushing
was respect
to make the small big
to give hope
and love
was joy
was abused
by those who crush
who could crush
and conquer
for all the small they were
and will still be.

And now we will crush
not to win
but to stand besides
equal, again
because we don't
want to be bigger,
We are,
and know
that bigness is not love
is not respect
is not relating
it is thwarting,
and being alone
for all the bigger we are than all the small
who must crush
to be.

While you seek your rise in
their lows
when the waves of high and low
escape no one
we will not see anyone fall,
nor make much of your or our rise,
we will crush those who crush.

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