Wednesday, February 25, 2015

irresistible psycho

yes i am the irresistible
they cannot keep their eyes
and hands off me
even if i say no
and i am the psycho
because if i say no
i am no more
i am resisted!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The body is full
of memories
and secrets
and dirty secrets
and silence
If i take it away,
i'll take me away.


That which keeps it alive
that keeps me alive
in your life
that makes me
that makes me mean
anything to you
and thus
makes me,
that makes me matter at all
in your big world
and this big world
where i am nothing
is the wait to trade off
that little obligation
you owe
me and my body
which i have kept to
myself, like my child;
is the
hope that there can be more;
is the power of my
sex over you.