Sunday, December 22, 2019

Nothing out of the box - visual narrative

Illustration on joy and pain

The Motrocycle Diaries

On the smile

On being cool

On stability

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Illustrations on breast cancer awareness

Illustrations for Feministaa Media on Breast Cancer awareness and self care- 

                                                  Breast Cancer tumour monster
Fact - breast cancer is not gender specific

                                               Fact: Not every lump is a breast cancer
Fact : Breast Cancer is not contagious

                                        Facts : Breast cancer is not spread through abortion, night shifts, underwire bras, birth control pills, IVF, soy tofu and sugar, stress, nipple piercings, antiperspirants and caffeine

                Let's do away with the taboo around breast cancer and caring for our breasts!

My illustration on encouraging self-care :

 On loving your breasts :
Feministaa Diwali visual:

(Visit Feministaa at I relate to their content and thus chose to illustrate for them over this project. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Paintings for a Noida Office, 360 Marketing Inc.

360 Marketing Inc. in Noida specializes in marketing Chinese and European power equipment manufacturers for the power generation industry in India
This project involved creating 7 paintings for each room including the reception, for the commercial office of 360 Marketing Inc. during 2018, and the chosen theme for the works was meant to be monuments and iconic places of Delhi, seen through my eyes, as the office wanted it.
Following are some of the works from the series.

In order, top to bottonm : Lodi Gardens, Cannought Place, Humanyun's Tomb, Lotus Temple, India Gate, Shahpur Jat


Official Website

My official website is : - for anyone who cares :)

Monday, August 12, 2019

My work for the SVA exhibition

As part of my work for the SVA final project and exhibiton, I wanted to work on the subject of dignity and self respect, and what abuse and sexual harassment means to a victim.

I completed a set of portraits of men who had harassed me sexually in my home city. Some of them are as follows:

I created short comics depicting some of the stories of harassment, for the pain and confusion such behaviour has left me with and how it has shattered my trust in people, completely by such men sexualizing me when I barely even knew them nor gave them any such right over me.

An accordion book I created on the irony of innocence and abuse to convey the message that everytime someone abuses anyone else, they are abusing the beauty of innocence that a face and your past holds, which deserves to be dignified only with beauty -

A short comic story on a personal memory -